How to Install the Softaculous in WHM/cPanel Server

In this article, we'll demonstrate how to install and configure Softaculous in the WHM/cPanel Servers. Please note that to follow either of these options you need to have root access to your dedicated server.


1) Ioncube should be enabled in cPanel’s PHP before you install Softaculous. If you have not installed it, the installer will exit with an error message.

  • Log in to WHM ( as root user)
  • Go to Server Configuration -> Tweak Settings -> PHP
  • In the “cPanel PHP loader” section select the 'ioncube' check box.
  • Click on the Save button.

Note: This will enable 'Ioncube' for you in the third-party PHP binary.

2) If you have a firewall, then please allow access to the following domains (* in the server's firewall (Such as Firewalld or CSF, or Imunify360 firewalls) as these are the mirrors used to download the installation script packages.

Note: If it is not working, please disable the firewall temporarily and re-enable the firewall after installation of the Softaculous.

Installation Softaculous:

1) Follow these simple SSH commands from the root shell to install the Softaculous:

# wget -N

# chmod 755

# ./

2) View and install the Softaculous in WHM/cPanel:

WHM Home >> Plugins >> Softaculous –--> Instant Installs

That's it the installation of Softaculous is completed!

Quick Installation:

If you wish to finish the installation quickly and then download the script packages in the background using this method.

Make sure that the ionCube Loader is enabled before starting the installation. Go to WHM and select Tweak Settings to do that. Follow these simple SSH commands from the root shell to install the Softaculous:

# wget -N

# chmod 755

# ./ --quick

SuPHP Settings:

If suPHP is turned on in your server's settings, you must make the necessary modifications. It asks Softaculous to create writable files and directories with the proper permissions.

In the interface for WHM Home >> Plugins >> Softaculous, Go to settings, change the CHMOD directories to 0755 and the CHMOD files to 0644, then click "edit settings."

Note: If you are running suPHP and would like CONFIG files to be more secure then set the CHMOD config files to the permission you wish to set.


Our support team has provided a complete explanation in this post and we have also covered the details of how to display the results of the operation.

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Jamie Larson